Podcast with NeuroNoodle- NeuroMeditation and Neuropsychology

Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN joined NeuroNoodle’s Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, PsyD Hrin , and Neurofeedback legend Jay Gunkelman to talk about Meditation and Neurofeedback as well as his book Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain:

- Neuro Meditation clients avg 10 visits to remove symptoms
- Rumination is not Meditation
- Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
- Anxiety/Trauma
- Ketamine
- Cross frequency Coupling Meditation Test
- Richard Davidson Lab
- DBT/ACT Programs
- Alpha desynchronization
- MDMA Maps
- Lexacor EEG First System

Podcast, NewsJeff Tarrant