Dr. Tarrant Speaks: Why I Explore Psi-Related States of Consciousness

“As a psychologist, I am trained to examine human consciousness. In fact, I have made a career out of studying the brain’s electrical activity as it relates to different meditative approaches. Not surprisingly, this work has led to the study of various non-ordinary states of consciousness that can be achieved through use of psychedelics, breathwork, and virtual reality. In these explorations I have also bumped into various states of consciousness that challenge what we think we know about how the mind works…” Continue Reading

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Jeff Tarrant
Do Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, and Neuromeditation Have a Role in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies?

‘‘Are magic mushrooms the miracle cure for depression we’ve been looking for?’’ (Khan, 2021). Attention-grabbing headlines such as this are becoming increasingly common and suggest that psychedelic medicines are some kind of magic bullet…. However, it is important to recognize that these benefits are attained within contexts that provide specialized preparation for the psychedelic experience…”

Read the full article by clicking here.

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Jeff Tarrant
The Mind of the Medium: The Art and Science of Psychic Mediumship

For the past 2 1/2 years I have been mapping the brains of Mediums and psychics while they engage in their skill. During these experiments I have seen some incredibly accurate readings… These Mediums consistently show unusual brainwave activity when they are engaged in their practice. Many of them show activity that looks like seizure activity, or tremendous increases of slow brain activity in specific regions. Another semi-consistent pattern relates to significant increases in fast activity in the back of the head-the areas of the brain associated with visual processing… Continue Reading

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Jeff Tarrant