Choosing a Focus


The actual object of attention in a Focus meditation practice is less important than maintaining attention on that object. Below, we share some general guidelines that you may find helpful in selecting a focus.

Focus: The Breath

Many traditions use breath as a point of focus. What a convenient focus, because you always have it with you! Focusing on the breath offers several aspects to work with and also provides an element of mindfulness, since you must pay attention to what is happening within yourself in the moment. 

  • Observe the movement of the air as it moves in and out of the nostrils. Notice the temperature change when you inhale and exhale. Notice if the air moves more easily and smoothly through one nostril or the other.

  • Observe the expansion and contraction of the belly, torso, or chest.

  • Follow the path of the breath by visualizing the breath moving through the nose, down the trachea, and into the lungs with each inhalation. Repeat the path for each exhalation

  • With each breath, imagine breathing light or healing energy into a specific part of the body, such as the heart, lungs, or third eye. With each exhalation, imagine sinking this energy into the body area. 

Focus: An Object

For some people, focusing attention on an external object is more effective. Select a neutral object that has some intrinsic beauty or meaning to you. Avoid objects that will lead your mind to analyzing, imagining, or interpreting. Examples of external objects we recommend include:

  • Flowers

  • Candle flame

  • Spiritual symbol

  • Mandala

  • Statue or picture

Focus: A Mantra

A mantra is a word or phrase that you repeat over and over as a way to stabilize the mind. This word or phrase can be in your language of choice. It can be something you create or something you borrow from a spiritual or religious tradition. Examples of common mantras include:

  • Om mane padme hum.

  • Breathing in, I am safe. Breathing out, I am calm.

  • I am that I am.

  • One.

  • Peace.

Want to Try a Focus Meditation?

Join Us for a Focus NeuroMeditation Class! 

Our six-week Focus NeuroMeditation class begins February 18 and meets each Thursday from 3:00-5:00pm Pacific time.

Our early bird rate of $140 ends today!