Examining Meditation Styles and Myths

Image from: livingyogadenver.com

Image from: livingyogadenver.com

Just because a meditation practice is easy, does not necessarily mean it is the best one for your brain. Anything worthwhile takes effort. If you are looking to engage in meditation to rebalance the brain, the practice may be difficult. You are asking your brain to do something new, to change its old patterns. This is not likely to be easy. Meditation is work.

To determine the best meditation style for you, first take our free online quiz . This quiz will help identify which styles would be best to rebalance your brain, taking into consideration your individual strengths and areas of growth.

Next, answer the following questions in a journal or with a friend. These guided questions can be a useful survey before beginning a meditation practice.

Which meditation practices am I drawn toward? Why?

What does my current practice do to help my brain become more balanced? How?

Do I assume meditation should feel good? Why?

Do I avoid practices that are challenging?

How will I know if a practice is helping to balance my brain or not?

Am I engaging in practices based on my goals?

Can I recognize that meditation to rebalance my brain is working (with a significant payoff)?

Do I have myths around meditation, such as “meditation is supposed to feel good,” “meditation is supposed to quiet the mind,” or “people who meditate look and act a certain way”?

New habits are difficult to initiate, taking a class and sharing with others is a great way to boost your practice.
We have multiple workshops coming up to help you get started.
Visit our workshop or classes page