Help! I Am Too Stressed To Meditate!

Help! I Am Too Stressed To Meditate!

In the current tumultuous times, from threats to physical and mental health, national financial and political crises, and mounting weather phenomenon, many of us are experiencing a wide range of feelings that can shift unexpectedly. Consequently, you may find it increasingly difficult to maintain your normal routines, such as relaxation, meditation or yoga. You might find you sit down to do your regular practice and the mind feels "out of control" or you might feel lethargic and struggle to find the energy to do the things you know will help.
In the following webinar released last year by Dr. Jeff Tarrant, Director of the NeuroMeditation Institute, explores the physiological underpinnings of stress and the challenge of finding the right balance between an over and under aroused nervous system along with strategies to help find that balance. He discusses modifications and adaptations to typical meditation practices to help you get back on track.

Ready to give your practice a boost? Taking a class and sharing with others is a great way to boost your routine.
We have multiple classes and workshops coming up to help you get started, including a virtual and in-person classes and workshops.
Visit our classes or workshop page.

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