Kamila Orlinska, MS.c., NMI-3
Kamila Orlinska, NMI Trainer . Poland
Kamila Orlinska, MSc., NMI-3
NeuroMeditation Institute Trainer
EEG NeuroMeditation | Sound-based NeuroMeditation | Neurofeedback | Virtual Reality Meditation | Breathworks® | Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) | Aromatherapy | Mentoring
Ms. Orlinska is founder of iMIND institute in Warsaw where neuromeditation and neurofeedback training is used to rich peak states in parallel to other technics like Audio-Visual Entrainment, Virtual Reality, floating tank, Sonora and tantra. She provides Neuromeditation Instructor Level#1 and Level#2 workshops and individual coaching sessions with the support of neurofeedback, biofeedback, Audio-Visual Entrainment, HealiumVR, sound, and aromatherapy.
Kamila Orlinska received her MSc. in 2004 in Applied Physics and Mathematics from the Warsaw University of Technology. She worked for 15 years as an IT expert and consultant in worldwide corporations like LG Electronics, Thomson Reuters, NXP Semiconductors, Valeo and CollabNet. Ms. Orlinska is currently Chief Information Officer in Global Artificial Intelligence Association.
She has been practicing meditation and yoga for 30 years with an emphasis on combining traditional meditation methods with the latest scientific research and technology. Her goal is to make the process of learning meditation easier, more accurate and safe. She is certified in NeuroMeditation, Neurofeedback, Mindfulness Now and Breathworks® - MBPM (Mindfulness Based Pain Management).