Magda Roclawska, NMI-2
Magda Roclawska
NeuroMeditation | Yoga Trainer | Breathworker | Compassionate Inquiry
Magda completed a master’s degree in psychology at the SWPS University in Sopot and a bachelor’s degree at the AWFiS in Gdańsk. She is a graduate of many courses and trainings in the broad sense of bodywork and through the body, breathing, various forms of meditation, and relaxation.
On a daily basis, she conducts psychological consultations and psychological therapies in a private practice in Gdańsk. She organizes several-hour training courses and weekend workshops in the field of Conscious Work through the Body, psychological skills, and releasing emotions. She conducts therapies, courses, workshops and development camps, which you can find on her website. Her work is based on mindfulness and compassion. True, non-judgmental presence with another person is the ground for her to travel deep into our incredibly intelligent nervous systems.
She believes, feels, and sees that the body is a treasury of not only our stories and deficits, but also and above all the immensity of our potential and possibilities. It leads to peace, which, as she says, is in each of us. Sometimes just very dusty.