VibroAcoustic Therapy

Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) directs specific sound frequencies into a specially designed Opus SoundBed. The sound is translated into vibrations experienced throughout the entire body. When combined with select  music and brainwave entrainment technologies, this technique  becomes a powerful tool directly influencing mind and body.

How does this work?

At a very basic level, everything, including the cells that make up your body, are energy.  There are vibrations dancing at different frequencies. When you expose the body to specific frequencies,  they interact with the naturally occurring vibrations present in the body. This process  occurs every day, we are just usually unaware. For example,  the electromagnetic frequency between the Earth and the ionosphere has a direct impact on human functioning, generating a calming or “grounding” effect on brainwaves and heart rhythms. In fact, this specific frequency (7.83 hz) is artificially pumped into spacecraft to prevent “space sickness.” Ultrasound, another form of specific frequencies or energy,  is used to break up kidney stones. In these examples, vibrations/energy tuned at specific frequencies can be used to disrupt or tonify the human body. VAT is based on the same principles.  

This special equipment has transducers in the bed and headphones, giving your body a gentle massage of sound waves. With both the auditory and full-body stimulation, healing is able to start on a cellular level. Since we are mostly water, this sound travels through us quite easily, making for a one-of-a-kind healing experience.

Clients report experiencing deep relaxation, increased energy, and improved mood. VAT is often compared to a massage or float tank experience. It’s designed to find levels of relaxation and meditation you don’t experience anywhere else.

Private sessions take place in a spa-like environment with a variety of props to help you become as comfortable as possible. Your session can be individually designed to meet your specific needs.


“I have chronic widespread pain and PTSD. During my initial 10-minute vibro-acoustic therapy session, I experienced almost complete elimination of the pain sensations in my body. I was flooded with a sense of calm and well-being. The technology seemed to readily enhance my ability to enter a meditative state, and I suspect it would be a good supplemental tool for those engaged in learning biofeedback techniques for self-healing. While the most pronounced benefits were limited to the duration of my time on the table, a lingering sense of clarity, calm, and somewhat reduced pain continued for several days following my session. This enabled me to more effectively release several literal and figurative sources of tension in my body and mind during my routine self-release modalities.” —J.

“I got the chance to receive another CranioSacral healing session with Dr. Jeff Tarrant. After hosting a retreat all weekend, I needed grounding and a felt sense of support. I always feel so embodied after this work, like my scattered energy finds its way back home to my being. When the CranioSacral portion was done, I spent 20 minutes on the Vibro-acoustic bed. This part was incredible. I put on the headphones and sunk into comfort and bliss as the vibrations flowed through my body, gently helping me shake away any residual tension. It’s so interesting how movement can bring us to stillness. I went on a sweet meditative journey, and it was so easy to stay present because of the fully immersive nature of the experience. The music coming through the headphones was so delightful, and the vibrational patterns allowed me to physically feel what I was listening to, helping me connect the auditory and sensory elements and be fully present. No thoughts entering the mind, just full connection to my body and the moment. I am so grateful for the chance to receive full restoration without any effort. This was truly an amazing session, and I so deeply appreciate Dr. Tarrant and the NeuroMeditation Institute as a valuable healing resource in our community.” —K.

We have protocols designed for:

  • Stress Relief

  • Pain Management

  • Emotional Release

  • Meditation

  • Journey Work

Healing Frequencies to Choose From:

Solfeggio Frequencies:

  • 174 Hz: Relief of Pain and Stress

  • 285 Hz: Repairs Tissues and Organs

  • 396 Hz: Eliminates Guilt and Fear

  • 417 Hz: Cleanses Negativity

  • 432 Hz: Promotes Overall Wellbeing

  • 528 Hz: Catalyzes OMA Repair and Relaxation

  • 639 Hz: Balances Emotions and Elevates Mood

  • 741Hz: Speak your Truth and Express Yourself Creatively

  • 852 Hz: Awakens Intuition and Raises Energy

  • 963 Hz: Connects to Higher-Self

Low-Frequency Healing:

You can choose low frequencies from 30-86 Hz.

This approach is often combined with other interventions to deep the experience, such as neurofeedback and light & sound therapy.


30 minute session: $55

45 minute session: $75

1 hour session: $95

Packages: Save 10% when you pre-purchase 4 sessions; 15% when you purchase 6; 20% when you purchase 8+.

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