Practicing Compassion During Polarizing Times

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Losing sight of the humanity in others can be easy to do, especially during polarizing political elections. Open Heart Meditations can be one way to increase our empathy, which will ultimately help us work toward solutions that address systemic unrest. 

In addition to a formal daily meditation practice, of which the Open Heart Style can be a part, there are exercises we can do to actively engage the feeling states of compassion and lovingkindness throughout the day. 

Try one of the following:

  • Peace be with you and with me. Today, as you pass by people in your daily routines, think to yourself, “Peace be with you and with me.” Or “May you be blessed.” If these phrases don’t sound authentic to you, you may try others. Attempt to send feelings of peace and acceptance. Opportunities to practice this are everywhere: watching a political debate, waiting in line at the grocery store, or walking to get the mail.

  • Witnessing the heart of others. Today, when you encounter someone, visualize a strong purple flame in their heart, burning bright. This practice is similar to greeting people with the Sanskrit phrase “namaste,” which roughly translates to “the divine in me recognizes the divine in you.” This is also a great practice to use when watching a video on the local news, meeting someone for the first time, or just before addressing a group of people.

  • Remembering the Child. Today, as you pass by people in your daily routines, notice any judgments you may have about them. What judgment comes to mind when you see a homeless person on a street corner? Someone talking loudly on the phone on the sidewalk or on the bus? A political candidate giving a speech? Then, try to “see” them as a parent might see a child. Can you recognize their sweet quality? Can you recognize that this is still part of who they are now? 

If you enjoyed this practice, register for our self-paced online Open Heart Meditation course for additional practices.