Mother was Right: Posture is Important!


Meditation is a method to shift the brain into healthier and more balanced ways of relating to and experiencing the world.

There are many different styles of meditation, and they all require preparing the body and beginning our practice with a posture most conducive to directing our attention inward.

Choose a Comfortable Spot

A comfortable spot may include a traditional meditation cushion (called a zafu), but it can also be a chair. We do not recommend lying down, which signals to the brain that it is time to sleep and often results in a deeper, more relaxed state of consciousness than we are looking for in meditation practice. For the same reason, we recommend not meditating on your bed.

Find Relaxation and Alertness

Find a posture that conveys the state of consciousness you are seeking: relaxed and alert. What does that look like in your body? What would it look like if you were sitting with dignity? If the mind becomes drowsy during practice and maintaining awareness becomes difficult, consider raising the arms during your meditative practice.

Consider Your Hands

Choose a hand placement that will facilitate relaxation and alertness. The hands resting on the knees might be comfortable, but can also lend itself to a slumping posture, which leads to a slumping mind. We recommend trying a mudra. Place one hand on top of the other, both palms up with the thumbs lightly touching. This hand position is typically held in front of the navel. The act of holding the arms and hands in this posture makes it difficult to become too relaxed. In addition, the pressure of the thumbs pressing against each other can be used as a form of feedback. When we are overly focused and engaged in a story or memory, the thumbs tend to press too hand. When our mind drifts, the thumbs tend to also drift apart. 

Keep the Head Level

Keeping the head level provides a source of feedback. When we are “in our heads,” the chin tends to drift upward. When the mind becomes sleepy or unfocused, the chin begins to move toward the chest.

Eyes Open or Closed

The eyes can be either open or closed. Explore for yourself and figure out which of these states will help you keep the mind focused. Some people become more distracted by internal information with their eyes closed, while others find external information more distracting with their eyes open.

If you would like to learn more about different styles of meditation, join us for one of our six-week courses.