3 Tips to Get Better Meditation Results


Many beginning meditators have the idea that it is necessary to meditate for 30 minutes to get any results.

This belief is a setup for failure.

In the beginning, very few people can sit and meditate for more than a few minutes. Beginning meditators who try to sit for long periods of time often end up chasing thoughts and memories, relaxing, or taking a nap. This time might be enjoyable and relaxing, but it isn’t meditation.

Instead, begin with success in mind.

Be realistic. Start with 3-minute meditations. After a week or so, extend the time to 5 or 7 minutes. Gradually increase the amount of time until you can complete a 20-25 minute meditation, and this increase can take place over many months. 3 minutes of meditation is better than 0 minutes!

Be patient. Allow yourself time to develop stability of mind. Meditation is a skill that requires work. It takes practice and can be uncomfortable. The most important thing is to practice. Try not to judge yourself nor the quality of the practice.

Be practical. Trying to determine the amount of time remaining in a meditation session can be a huge distraction. Manage your mental awareness of time by using a timer. You don’t need to count the minutes, because the timer is doing it for you! Most smartphones have a built-in timer. Applications such as Insight Timer will ring a meditation bell at the beginning and end of the meditation. This app will also track your practice over time, which can also be a nice incentive.

Looking for a little more support in your meditation journey?

Check out our 6-week classes for Open Heart, Mindfulness, Focus, and Quiet Mind styles.