If you struggle with:

Depression | Grief | Lack of Empathy | Resentment | Relationship Issues

Open Heart NeuroMeditation can help!

Our custom-tailored approach make these practices more accessible.

Learning to Practice
Open Heart NeuroMeditation Can:

Improve Mood | Increase Empathy | Increase Gratitude | Open Heart to Love and Healing | Increase Accurate Perspective Taking | Increase Generosity

We incorporate a variety of tips, tricks, and tools to help you reach your goals.

The Open Heart NeuroMeditation® style emphasizes activating and enhancing positive feeling states, such as love, compassion, generosity, gratitude, and joy. It can help improve mood and allow you to become more empathic, loving, kind, and clear. For these reasons, it’s also referred to as a love and kindness meditation. 

Watch the video to learn more.

Open Heart practices activate regions of the brain involved in sustaining attention, synthesizing communication between thoughts and feelings, increasing accurate empathy, and cultivating body-based emotional feelings. These practices can help with mood concerns, resentment, perspective taking, and unresolved grief.

With these practices, you are intending to send these feelings out to others in the world. Targets for these practices may be yourself, family, friends, acquaintances, or regions of the world that are experiencing conflict

Meditation for open heart can also help us to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in our relationships as we gain accurate empathy and conscious communication to round out feelings of love.  


Learn Directly From the Leader in the Field

Your instructor, Dr. Jeff Tarrant, is the Director of the NeuroMeditation Institute, an institution specializing in expanding the benefits of meditation through science. In this video, he describes the format and contents of the Open Heart Neuromeditation Course.

Includes 23 Lessons and 12  Guided Practices

This course takes a scientific approach to the art and practice of meditation.  Through the use of brain-based principles and tools, we can examine the specific styles of meditation and use this information to help both beginning and experienced meditators build a more stable and peaceful state of mind.

The Open Heart style of NeuroMeditation emphasizes and enhances positive feeling states, such as love, compassion, generosity, gratitude, and joy. Open Heart practices activate brain regions involved in sustaining attention, synthesizing thoughts and feelings, and increasing accurate empathy. It may be especially beneficial for addressing mood concerns and improving relationships.

This course contains:

23 lessons, 12 Guided Meditations, and a host of tips, tools and techniques to help you develop or advance your practice, a PDF of all slides, and lifetime access to all of the content in this course.

Week 1: Introduction to NeuroMeditation; Open Heart Basics; Depression & the Brain; Fake Make It

Week 2: Negativity Bias; Accessing Positive Emotions; Appreciation Meditation; Informal Gratitude Practices

Week 3: Rewiring the Default Mode Network; Quantum Movement; Daily Open Heart Practices

Week 4: Lovingkindness; Compassion & the Brain; Use Your Words

Week 5: Heart Rate Variability; Breath Pacers; Inner Smile

Week 6: Healing Circle; Self-Compassion; Wrap-Up/Next Steps

A note about trauma and meditation: If you have experienced traumatic or overwhelming life events, certain meditation or relaxation practices can contribute to unmanageable effects and bodily sensations. Trauma survivors may have decided that they are not capable of meditation or that it’s “not right for them.” Fortunately, there are helpful ways to ensure that meditation instruction is trauma-informed, with an emphasis on grounding and on physical and emotional security. For more details, contact a provider near you.