Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN

Dr. Tarrant received his M.A. in 1994 and his Ph.D. in 1997 from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He is a licensed psychologist in Eugene, Oregon. He is board-certified in neurofeedback, is a Global Neurotherapy Initiative (GNI) Instructor, and a certified NeuroMeditation Institute Trainer. He is a director of the NeuroMeditation Institute.

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Normen Schack, NMI-3

Normen Schack is a certified occupational therapist and naturopath in Hannover, Germany. Normen has been working with neurofeedback and biofeedback and has certifications as a QEEG Expert, Neurofeedback, Peak Performance, and NeuroMeditation Institute Instructor. Currently, Normen is the Director of one of the largest neurofeedback institutes in Germany.

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Heather Hargraves, M.A., C.Psych.

Heather Hargraves, M.A., C.Psych., is a clinical psychologist in London, Ontario, Canada. She started working with the NeuroMeditation Institute in 2017 and is currently a level three instructor.  In 2020, Heather helped found Divergence Neuro, a cloud-based software platform that allows clinicians to offer neurofeedback and neuromeditation therapies from a distance.

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Marbod Kindermann, NMI-3

While Marbod holds a degree in mechanical engineering, over the past decade he has delved into passions such as nutrition, breathwork, biohacking and stress management. He and his partners offer retreats all over Europe teaching ways to integrate powerful elements of a natural lifestyle, combining NeuroMeditation, Natural Movement, exposure to the cold and different breathwork techniques.

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Kamila Orlinska, MS.c., NMI-3

Ms. Orlinska has been practicing meditation and yoga for 29 years with an emphasis on combining traditional meditation methods with the latest scientific research and technology. Her goal is to make the process of learning meditation easier, more accurate and safe. She is certified in NeuroMeditation, Neurofeedback, Mindfulness Now and in the process of becoming certified in Breathworks® - MBPM (Mindfulness Base Pain Management).

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Jina Berro, NMI-2


Jina is a certified well-being and brain health Coach. She is a Neuromeditation instructor with a Master's degree in Health and Human Performance. She specializes in lifestyle and mindset changes, prompting a positive, healthy, mental, and physical approach to one's life. Through her transformational growth journey into becoming a calm and mindful person, she has learned and utilized many modalities she can share.

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Michaela Conley, LAMFT DipACLM NMI-2


Michaela began learning and teaching NeuroMeditation just prior to the onset of the pandemic. Throughout the pandemic and beyond she provided weekly NeuroMeditation events to help maintain community and foster connectedness. Michaela is also a Marriage and Family Therapist licensed in Arizona, Florida, and Virginia where she serves couples exclusively.

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Holly Copeland, MA, HPC, NMI-2


Holly Copeland, M.A. is an individual and team-based cognitive performance and meditation coach based in Lander, Wyoming with a heart-centered, awareness-based approach. She uses neuro- and biofeedback technologies and meditation to help her clients learn to calm their minds, access their innate wisdom and joy, and build inner resilience. Working together, she helps clients carve new neural pathways in the brain for focused attention and calm and joyful states of being. Her clients track their progress to rewire their brains for calm and clarity.

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Patrick A. Watson, Ph.D., NMI-2

As founder of MindSet Solutions, Dr. Patrick Watson brings an innovative approach to the practice of guiding clients in developing their own unique meditative style, utilizing scientifically based modalities.

Patrick provides a unique perspective with over 35 years of healthcare experience including the clinical/surgical and research disciplines, administrative, and consultative arenas where he has been instrumental in developing and reengineering healthcare services/polices both domestically and internationally.

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Maria O’Callaghan, NBC-HWC, NMI-2


Maria is a health and wellness coach and bodyworker with over 20 years of study and experience in mind-body practices, including Polarity, Massage, & Craniosacral Therapy, SRT, Grief Movement, and NeuroMeditation. As a sleep coach for Simple Habit, she engages the principles of CBT-I to help others shift thought patterns and feelings in order to map resilient, authentic paths forward.

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