Move Away from the Negative and Toward the Positive


Sometimes moving away from negative stimuli is just as important as moving toward positive stimuli. 

Most television programs, including the news, are written to stir powerful, uncomfortable feelings. This tactic keeps your attention, and it works!

Unfortunately, the brain responds to these images and messages by initiating a stress response. Even if the images and stories are untrue, the brain responds as if they were. 

How can we stay connected to the world around us while moving away from negative stimuli and allowing our brains to rest? To answer this question for yourself, try the thinking routine below.


Think about the information you receive throughout each day in the form of television, news, video gaming, the Internet, and social media. In which spaces do you spend the most time?


The next time you turn on the news or login to social media, notice the impact of the messages you see, read, and hear. How do they affect your thoughts, feelings, and body? 

Take Action.

If you notice that the information you receive causes you to feel anxious, angry, frightened, distressed, or upset, explore ways you may be able to move away from the negative stimuli. 

Some suggestions include:

  • Setting a timer when you login to social media to limit your time.

  • Turning off the news if you notice yourself feeling agitated.

  • Leaving your phone on silent and in another room while eating meals or while you are outside.

  • Read news articles, but don’t watch the videos that sometimes accompany them.

Want to find more ideas for moving toward positive stimuli, reducing negativity, and opening your heart? Join us for our 6-week live virtual Open Heart NeuroMeditation class, starting January 12. The class meets each Tuesday from 4:00-6:00pm Pacific Time. Register today to claim the 20% early bird discount.