Posts tagged neuroscience
What Happens to Your Brain During Focus Meditations

Focus meditations involve a voluntary and sustained attention on a chosen object. When your thoughts begin to wander from the chosen object, the goal is to recognize this has happened quickly and without judgement, and then to return attention to the original focus. Examples include focusing on your breath, a part of the body, or a strong visual image, word, or phrase.

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What Happens to Your Brain During Mindfulness Meditations

Mindfulness meditations involve maintaining an open presence and a non-judgmental awareness of sensory, cognitive, and affective experiences as they arise in the moment. Studies examining brainwave patterns during Mindfulness meditation practices have found increased frontal theta power as well as increased frontal theta communication. Theta waves are between 4-8 hz and are associated with the subconscious mind, moments of creativity, and retrieving certain types of memory.

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