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Introduction to NeuroMeditation in Polish (free webinar)

This webinar will be presented in Polish. Times shown are Central European Summer Time.

During the webinar you will get basic information about the NeuroMeditation approach and why it helps in meditation training. You will became more familiar with the 4 styles of meditation and their influence on the brain and mental health. This categorization is based on scientific research of brain waves and brain network activity during meditation. You will have the chance to listen and learn:

- how and why we combine the traditional technics with modern understanding, research results and technology

- which mental health concerns are best supported by the NeuroMeditation approach

- how we use neurofeedback to support teaching process

- where you can find valuable information in the field of NeuroMeditation

Temat: Neuromedytacja

Data: 02.07.2020

Godzina: 7:00pm- 9:00pm CEST (Central European Summer Time)

Tytuł: Wprowadzenie do Neuromedytacji

Język: Polski


W trakcie spotkania dowiesz się o podstawach neuromedytacji i o tym, dlaczego takie podejście pomaga w trenowaniu medytacji. Zaznajomisz się z 4 stylami medytacji i z tym jak wpływają one na mózg i zdrowie mentalne. Ta kategoryzacja oparta jest na badaniach naukowych fal mózgowych i aktywności sieci mózgowych. Będziesz mieć szansę usłyszeć o tym:

  • Dlaczego łączymy tradycyjne techniki z nowoczesnym rozumieniem, wynikami badań i technologią

  • W jakich problemach psychologicznych wsparcie terapii medytacja ma dużą szansę powodzenia

  • W jaki sposób możemy używać neurofeedback’u i innych technologii we wsparciu procesu trenowania medytacji

  • Gdzie możesz znaleźć więcej cennych informacji z zakresy neuromedytacji

Cost: blezplatne

Kamila Orlińska - OBC - 00018.jpg

Kamila Orlinska, MSc, NM-I
Kamila Orlinska received her MSc. in 2004 in Applied Physics and Mathematics from the Warsaw University of Technology. She worked for 15 years as an IT expert and consultant in worldwide corporations like LG Electronics, Thomson Reuters, NXP Semiconductors, Valeo and CollabNet. Ms. Orlinska is currently developing a neuromeditation software project.

Ms. Orlinska has been practicing meditation and yoga for 29 years with an emphasis on combining traditional meditation methods with the latest scientific research and technology. Her goal is to make the process of learning meditation easier, more accurate and safe. She is certified in NeuroMeditation, Neurofeedback, Mindfulness Now and in the process of becoming certified in  Breathworks® - MBPM (Mindfulness Base Pain Management). 

Kamila Orlinska runs a full-time private practice in Poland where she shares knowledge and skills with those who want to learn to meditate. She provides meditation classes and individual coaching sessions with the support of neurofeedback, biofeedback, Audio-Visual Entrainment, HealiumVR, sound, and aromatherapy.

Earlier Event: July 1
Calming the Body to Quiet the Mind
Later Event: July 8
Quiet Mind Yoga and Pain