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Level 1 Instructor Training: Foundations Workshop

Level 1 Instructor Training: Foundations Workshop

Audience: Level 1 Instructor Training
Format: Virtual, Synchronous
Cost: $395
Dates: Thursdays September 23rd, 30th, October 7th, 14th, and 21st
Time: 8am - 10am PST
Instructor: Jeff Tarrant

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NeuroMeditation Level 1 Online Workshop

With recent advances in the neuroscience of meditation, we now understand how different styles of meditation impact the brain. Meditation is not a one-size-fits-all process. Some styles of meditation activate the brain, while others seem to quiet it down. Some styles are better for managing stress and anxiety, while others are good for increasing concentration or developing empathy. We can use this knowledge by combining ancient meditation practices and modern technology to design effective and efficient meditation programs tailored to each individual.

In this on-line workshop, we will explore four specific styles of meditation that are based on the role of attention, intention, brainwave states and the brain regions involved; these styles include Focus, Mindfulness, Open Heart, and Quiet Mind.

Focus practices effect the brain networks in ways that specifically encourage improved concentration and reduced distractibility.

Mindfulness practices have the greatest impact on stress and anxiety.

Open Heart targets mood concerns and empathy building.

Quiet Mind strategies are beneficial for addictions, affect regulation, and identity concerns.

In this workshop, attendees will learn how to select a meditation style based on specific concerns and provide a host of practical strategies to apply each of the meditative styles. As part of this workshop, you will:

*learn the neuroscience behind each meditation style

*connect each style to specific concerns and goals

*learn how to identify which styles might be best for you or your clients or students.

*experience each of the 4 NeuroMeditation styles

*Practice a trauma-informed approach to teaching meditation

*discover how technologies can be used to facilitate these specific states of consciousness including audio visual entrainment, vibroacoustics, biofeedback, and virtual reality.

*develop skills to teach these practices to your clients and students.

The approaches to NeuroMeditation taught in this workshop can be used immediately to achieve deeper states of meditation or as a treatment intervention for mental health conditions such as ADHD, anxiety and chronic stress, depression, personality disorders, or PTSD.

This workshop meets the didactic hour requirement toward becoming certified as a Level 1 NeuroMeditation Instructor. To see the full certification criterion, check out the information packets on our website.

The format of this training will include:

This workshop will be taught over 5 weeks, in 2-hour classes, allowing time to digest and integrate the information as it is learned. Topics for each week are as follows:

o Week 1: An Introduction to NeuroMeditation

o Week 2: Focus NeuroMeditation

o Week 3: Mindfulness NeuroMeditation

o Week 4: Open Heart NeuroMeditation

o Week 5: Quiet Mind NeuroMeditation

When you register for the course, you will receive an email from our team providing you log in information for each of the weekly classes. These lessons will be recorded and available on our learning platform for 3 months, allowing time to review any materials. In addition you will receive a PDF of all PowerPoint slides used in the workshop.

Please note: To receive full credit for the workshop, you must attend 4 of the 5 classes in person.

Payment plans are available when you choose to pay through paypal at checkout.

Reserve Your Spot

CEUs available for purchase separately through Cassidy Seminars

Meet Your Instructor


Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN

Dr. Tarrant is the Director of the NeuroMeditation Institute where his work focuses on combining technology-based interventions with meditation for improved mental health and wellness. He is author of the book, “Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain,” a licensed psychologist and board certified in neurofeedback.


 ·   Your Brain on Meditation

·         Meditation Changes the Brain

·         The 4 types of Meditative Practices

·         Matching Meditation with Mental Health

·         Choosing a NeuroMeditation style

o    Self-Assessment


·    Focus: Strategies to Increase Focus & Self-Monitoring

·         The Unfocused Brain

·         Focused Attention Meditation

o    Tips and Strategies

o    Guided Practice

·         Breathing Pacers and Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback


·    Mindfulness: Strategies to Manage & Address Judgment and Over-Thinking

·         Anxiety and Stress: the Link

·         Thoughts are not facts!

o    Automatic Pilot

o    Mindfulness Wedge


·    Anxiety, Cont.

·         Challenging the Storyteller

o    Observe and Challenge

o    Cognitive Distortions

o    Staying in the Present

·         The Anxious Brain

·         Strategies to Quiet the Brain

o    Open Monitoring Meditation

o   NeuroMeditation protocols

o   Mindfulness in Nature (Virtual Reality)

o   Mandalynth

o   RSA Breathing

·         Trauma Informed approached to Mindfulness


·    Open Heart: Strategies to Shift Perspective

·         The Depressed Brain

·         Accessing Positive Emotions

o    Appreciation

o    Gratitude

·         Deepen the Positive

o    Taking in the Good

·         Loving Kindness/Compassion Meditations



·         Trauma informed approaches to Open Heart

·         EEG Neurofeedback approaches

    • Demonstration


·    Quiet Mind: Strategies for Inner Peace and Well Being

·         The Brain and Self-talk

·         Automatic Self-Transcending Meditations:

o    Transcendental Meditation

o    Zen

o    Open Focus

·         Entrain the Brain: Increase Alpha

·         Time in Nature

·         Strategies to Shift Perspective

·         Trauma informed approaches to Quiet Mind

·         Soma Breathwork


·         Next Steps/Certification Process

·         Integrating the Information