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Quiet Mind 1-Day EEG NeuroMeditation workshop

Audience: all experience levels welcome
Format: Virtual, Synchronous
Cost: $225
Date: Wednesday, October 13th
Time: 9am-4pm PST
Instructor: Jeff Tarrant, PhD

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In this workshop, you will learn the science and practice of the Quiet Mind NeuroMeditation®. This style represents entering pure awareness or spaciousness without a constant stream of thoughts and images. These practices teach you how to let go and drop below the level of day-to-day consciousness, beyond even the realm of internal self-talk. It requires a relaxed state of mind and body in which we can just “be.”

These practices quiet regions of the brain involved in processing the self or ego. The benefits of the Quiet Mind meditation style include a sense of calm and the reduction of both the amount and intensity of internal self-talk, thinking, analyzing, and processing, which allows you to live in the present.

This workshop is open to those using BrainAvatar or New Mind software. The approaches to EEG NeuroMeditation taught in this workshop can be used immediately to achieve deeper states of meditation or as a treatment intervention for mental health conditions such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, or PTSD.

Required Equipment Access & Volunteer Subject:

Because of the distance format, it will be important that you have the equipment and a volunteer subject to work with during the practicum part of the session (1:15pm-2:30pm PST).

If you don’t already own equipment, we can assist you in finding equipment. Email for assistance.

Dates of Live Online Training: October 13th, 9am-4pm PST

Please note: Registration is limited to 14 people to support deeper learning and practical application. Thank you for your understanding.

CEU’s: 6 CEU’s are available through R. Cassidy Seminars and must be purchased separately ($40). The link will be available shortly for purchase.

About your Instructor:

Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN

Dr. Tarrant is the founder and Director of the NeuroMeditation Institute in Eugene, OR. He is a licensed psychologist and board certified in neurofeedback. He is also the Chief Science Officer for Healium, XR, and Scientific Advisor to both Divergence Neuro and Neuphony, creators of cloud-based neurofeedback software and wireless EEG headsets. Dr. Tarrant specializes in teaching, clinical applications, and research combining technology- based interventions with meditative states for improved mental health. His research focuses on exploring brainwave changes that occur as a result of contemplative practices, technological interventions, and non-ordinary states of consciousness. Dr. Tarrant is the author of the book, “Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain.”


9:00am – 11:30am –Quiet Mind NeuroMeditation

  • Quiet Mind Basics

  • Quiet Mind Brainwaves

    • Zen

    • Transcendental Meditation

  • Quiet Mind Tips and Strategies

  • Open Focus

  • Audio Visual Entrainment

  • Quiet Mind Brain Regions

    • The Research

    • Quiet Mind NeuroMeditation Protocols

      • 2 channel

      • sLORETA

  • Additional Strategies

    • Supplements

    • Essential Oils

    • Music

    • Breathwork

    • Vibroacoustics


11:30am – 12:30pm Lunch


12:30pm – 2:30pm –Demonstration & Practicum

  • Groups Divided by equipment (Divergence-group 1; New Mind/BrainAvatar-group 2)

  • Demonstration of Basic Quiet Mind Protocol

    • Thresholding

    • Feedback options

    • Meditation Coaching techniques 

  • Hands on Practicum

    • Create and Conduct live session with a volunteer

  • Advanced Quiet Mind protocols


2:30pm – 4:00pm – Final Comments 

  • Questions/Concerns

  • Wrap Up

  • Bringing this into your practice-next steps

  • Additional NeuroMeditation Styles

  • Getting Certified