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Help! I'm Too Stressed To Meditate!! (a free webinar)

Help! I’m Too Stressed To Meditate!!

A Free Webinar

Whether you're an essential worker out in the community, working from home, or facing unemployment due to the pandemic, we are all living in very unusual and stressful times. There is a threat that we can't see that could potentially impact our health, family, and finances and it is not clear what we can do to prevent it. Many of us are experiencing a wide range of feelings that can shift unexpectedly. Consequently, you may find it increasingly difficult to maintain your normal routines, such as meditation or yoga. You might find you sit down to do your regular practice and the mind feels "out of control" or you might feel lethargic and struggle to find the energy to do the things you know will help. 

In this webinar, Dr. Jeff Tarrant, Director of the NeuroMeditation Institute, will explore the challenge of finding the right balance between an over and under aroused nervous system along with strategies to help find that balance. He will discuss modifications and adaptations to typical meditation practices to help you get back on track.

When: Wednesday, May 6, 9am PST (12 noon EST)

Cost: Free (but you need to register in advance)



Dr. Jeff Tarrant is a licensed psychologist, and board certified in neurofeedback. He is the founder of the NeuroMeditation Institute (NMI) and provides certification training for NMI providers and instructors. Dr. Tarrant is the author of “Meditation Strategies to Rewire the Brain.” Other recent works include a series of virtual reality meditations published by Healium and the book chapter, "Neuromeditation: An Overview and Introduction" in The Handbook of Clinical Qeeg and Neurotherapy. He is a regular presenter at national and international conferences and has a practice in Eugene, OR, USA where he specializes in the use of EEG NeuroMeditation.